Thursday 10 November 2011

Random to day experience!!

The industry I operate in & my current role gives me a lot of opportunities to meet some really high caliber successful individuals who are either business heads or CEOs at their companies and at times entrepreneurs running the entire show consistently & successfully. There is a commonality that I have observed meeting all these people. The topmost and the one that always impresses me is the humility! And it impresses me even more, when I think about the individuals at the middle management level (lets talk about that later). Humility, to me, is a clear differentiator when two people are equally qualified and successful. Every success, I feel, is a combination of hard work, luck & God’s grace. Till the time we are grounded to these facts, we shall remain grateful & humble. And I think most of these successful people do realize that. It could be the reflection of having achieved what they wanted to, or the feeling of being secured after reaching at a particular level or it could simply be the realization of efforts that went in to make it BIG!

What amazes me is the middle management or individuals in my age bracket. Just making a few bucks extra than your B-school peers is not success…getting paid for a job which ten more people can do equally well is not success…8-10 years of working and the attitude, sorry arrogance, of knowing everything!! There is a long way to go I feel...atleast for myself! The world is getting so competitive. I see budding entrepreneurs at the age of 24-25 now…and what confidence! That’s something to talk about…having the guts to leave a well paying job and start your own venture from scratch is something to boast about. Having success or failure at that venture honestly comes second! I take my inspiration from these people honestly and I feel truly blessed to have them around.

Friday 4 November 2011

4th Nov...

It's the date today that made me log on to my blog...Coz it made me realise that another month to go for my first ever International Marathon....4th Dec Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon. Yes, it's equally exciting as it sounds trust me!:-))))))...Ofcourse a runner would relate or connect to this 'high' better! Running is addictive....and I am passionate about it now! Imagine your passion makes you look toned, fit and allows you to eat your heart out! me being a woman, "correction: 'foodie' woman ;-)", I can tell ya it feels like a blessing...No wonder m addcited to it now!

Amazes me that an year back I struggled to ran even a mile...I carried a 'kala paani' sazza look on my face I guess...I wish my friend captured my first run in a video clip...Nevertheless, he loves acting that out whenever given a chance ;-). So its been an interesting transition for me in last 1 year. Thanks to my 'work-out' frenz and a good training! I aspire to run 2 long distance this year! Singapore Stan C Half & Amchi Mumbai Stan C full....I am really looking forward for the full marathon. It's a bigger challenge any day and I guess thats the biggest thrill about it!

Can write pages about running, fitness, work out and all the related myths trust me....For now, will end my blog here only :-)...Happy Reading & Happy Running to me :-) (Big task this weekend...gotta run 35 km most probably!)